2019, 07 July |
DOI: 10.14489/td.2019.07.pp.004-013
Makhov V. E., Shirobokov V. V., Potapov A. I. Abstract. The issues of identification and determination of the relative position of localized light marks and images of small-sized objects recorded by an optical-electronic system (OES) are considered. A physical model and a research virtual device (VI) were developed on the basis of National Instruments software for identification and coordinate determination of two light marks at their different relative positions and the ratio of their intensities. It is shown that the use of a mathematical method for analyzing the illumination contour of two light labels on the basis of a continuous wavelet transform (CWT) allows identifying each label separately and determining the degree of superposition of their images. It is shown that the amplitudes and positions of the maxima of the CWT coefficients are related to the relative shift of the illuminance contours of the light marks, as the marking contours separate, the dependence of the position of the maxima becomes linear. The result of comparing the experimental data with theoretical calculations for the models of light labels showed a match within 25 %. Keywords: light labels, optoelectronic system (OES), virtual instrument (VI), National Instruments, continuous wavelet transform (CWT), light mark resolution threshold.
В. Е. Махов, В. В. Широбоков (Военно-космическая академия им. А. Ф. Можайского, Санкт-Петербург, Россия) E-mail:
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1. Mahov V. E. (2011). Algorithms for determining the coordinates of light labels in an optical instrument. Voprosy radioelektroniki. Seriya Tekhnika televideniya, 1, pp. 113 – 121. Saint Petersburg: FGUP «NIIT». [in Russian language]
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