Журнал Российского общества по неразрушающему контролю и технической диагностике
The journal of the Russian society for non-destructive testing and technical diagnostic
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2020, 07 July

DOI: 10.14489/td.2020.07.pp.004-017

Badalyan V. G.
(pp. 4-17)

Abstract. The effectiveness of methods and means of ultrasonic non-destructive control (ultrasonic control) is evaluated by the probability of detecting defects and the reliability of the results of the control. In this work, we reserch the behavior of PoD(a) – the defect detection function, which describes the dependence of the probability of detection of defects on their height, and estimates the reliability of control by means of ROC analysis of the control data. An analysis of the PoD curves obtained by ultrasonic testing with ultrasonic flaw detection and ultrasonic flaw detection instruments demonstrates significantly greater reliability of the use of defectometry techniques and devices. ROC curves constructed using ultrasonic defectometry data make it possible to evaluate the reliability of control of defects of various heights. Analysis of ROC curves provides additional information for optimizing ultrasonic control techniques. The studies were carried out on the data array of ultrasonic testing of welded joints with real cracks.

Keywords: ultrasonic non-destructive control, probability of detecting defects, defect detection function PoD(a), ultrasonic defectometry, ROC curves.

V. G. Badalyan (Co Ltd “Scientific Production Center of Nondestructive Ultrasonic Testing “ECHO+”, Moscow, Russia) Е-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.  


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