2021, 08 August |
DOI: 10.14489/td.2021.08.pp.052-057 Balandin D. D., Lyubimtseva O. L. Abstract. Ensuring and improving the quality of products is currently an urgent task implemented through product quality management. In connection with the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Rospotrebnadzor recommends the use of quartz lamps when disinfecting premises. The article discusses the issue of assessing the quality of a device for home use of a quartz ultraviolet irradiator OUFK-01. In accordance with the WHO recommendations, the irradiation indicator became the main one for the study. The study was carried out using an ANOVA model with several iterations. Purpose of the study: to study the variability of the irradiance index in different UV ranges depending on the source of UV radiation (UV lamp) of the ultraviolet irradiator OUFK-01. The main advantage of the analysis of variance was used – the ability to consider the interaction of various factors. The conclusions that were formulated based on the results of analysis of variance suggest that the quality of the OUFK-01 irradiator has changed. Data processing was carried out using the MS EXCEL software package. The article provides a rationale for what is meant by “quality improvement”, namely, in order not to violate the bactericidal effect, it is necessary to reduce the UV-A and UV-B ranges to acceptable values, since the effect of UV-C rays has not been fully studied, then the irradiance should be increased to the permissible wavelength range. A comparative analysis of successively modified products showed that the quality of the device increased with the replacement of the UV lamp. Keywords: irradiation, multivariate analysis, level of significance, criterion for assessing the level of product quality.
D. D. Balandin (PJSC “Gorky Communications Equipment Plant A. S. Popova”, N. Novgorod, Russia) Е-mail:
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1. Ultraviolet Radiation: A formal scientific review of the effects of UV radiation on the environment and health, with reference to global ozone depletion. (1995). Moscow: Meditsina. [in Russian language]
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