Журнал Российского общества по неразрушающему контролю и технической диагностике
The journal of the Russian society for non-destructive testing and technical diagnostic
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Главная Archive
07 | 03 | 2025
2023, 09 September

DOI: 10.14489/td.2023.09.pp.004-015

Kovshov E. E., Kuvshinnikov V. S., Kazakov D. F.
(pp. 4-15)

Abstract. In modern conditions, the use of digital industrial technologies for maximum automation of various production processes and the creation of unmanned technologies is the main direction of technological development of production in the key of the Industry 4.0 and NDE 4.0 paradigms with the widespread use of information and communication technologies, including virtual reality and digital twins. To implement digital non-destructive testing, service-oriented approach is proposed as an effective solution for obtaining, processing and storing data of the results of various types of testing, the basic architecture of this solution is given. The simulator’s model of the industrial radiography laboratory is considered, discrete models of objects’ digital twins are constructed while obtaining an image, for which the basic provisions and tools of set theory are used. Examples are given illustrating the correspondence of mathematical models of digital twins to their graphical counterparts, as well as the image formed on the detector as a result of modeling and performing a radiation type of non-destructive testing. It is noted that the virtualization of such a complex technical facility as an industrial radiography laboratory allows for a short period of time and at minimal cost to verify the feasibility of technical solutions and engineering hypotheses taking into account real production conditions and needs, while providing, on the one hand, variability in the implementation of technological operations, and on the other – the number increase of trained qualified specialists according to the radiation type of non-destructive testing.

Keywords: non-destructive testing, modeling, digital twins, digital production, simulator, radiographic image, virtual reality.

E. E. Kovshov, V. S. Kuvshinnikov, D. F. Kazakov (Joint-Stock Company “Research and Development Institute of Construction Technology – Atomstroy”, Moscow, Russia) E-mail: KovshovEE @atomrus.ru, KuvshinnikovVS @atomrus.ru, KazakovDF @atomrus.ru 

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