Журнал Российского общества по неразрушающему контролю и технической диагностике
The journal of the Russian society for non-destructive testing and technical diagnostic
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Главная Archive
07 | 03 | 2025
2015, 02 February

DOI: 10.14489/td.2015.02.pp.024-031


Prohorovich V.E., Stepanova L.N., Ramazanov I.S.
(pp. 24-31)

Abstract. The testing technique of welding defects in a girth seam is developed and checked. It is held statistical methods of analyze of informative acoustic emission (AE) signal parameters distributions. Slag shots, lacks of penetration, titan links, etc., imitating welding defects, are injected in the girth seam during its welding and forming. Complexity of the testing during the welding involves nonlinear distribution of AE signals. It results in an inaccuracy of determination of times of signal’s arrival. Defect location is realized by difference of times of AE signals’ arrival. The inaccuracy of their determination is depended on rise-up of portion of an AE signal, noise level in the prehistory, etc. Statistical analysis method of information allows to evaluate AE signal informative parameters (power parameter MARSE, rise-up por-tion oscillation number, two-lag coefficient (STA/LTA)) distributions automatically. Reject criteria of a weld seam are devised in accordance with theparameters. The distributions are considered for AE signal, that were registered during multiple-cut welding of the girth seam. It is shown that weld inhomogeneities origination during welding and cooling processes is accompanied by modification of monotonicity of distributions sweeping of rise-up portion oscillation number and MARSE parameters. Possibilities of numerical estimation of AE signals parameters distribution shape distortion extents for welding defects detection are analyzed for the purpose of welding defect detection.

Keywords: acoustic emission, signal, testing, defect, welding, weld, inaccuracy, statistical method.


V. E. Prohorovich
Scientific Company “Engineering and Design Centre for Space Equipment Maintenance Support”, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: aergroup@ ngs.ru

L. N. Stepanova, I. S. Ramazanov
Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Siberian Aeronautical Research Institute named after S. A. Chaplygin”, Novosibirsk, Russia



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