Журнал Российского общества по неразрушающему контролю и технической диагностике
The journal of the Russian society for non-destructive testing and technical diagnostic
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23 | 02 | 2025
2015, 03 March

DOI: 10.14489/td.2015.03.pp.062-067


Gricenko A.V., Glemba K.V., Larin O.N., Bakaykin D.D., Kukov S.S.
(pp. 62-67)

Abstract. In this paper methodology and experimental studies of diagnostic modes and parameters of elements of the fuel system of the engine were described. Among the most important systems we should include fuel system, which accounts for 20…30 % of the failures of the car. Diagnosing fuel system is possible using the device – disconnector of electromagnetic injectors. We set the solenoid injectors with different bandwidth. The studies were conducted at the research bench to the driving motor of 5,5 kW. The object of the test is the fuel system of the engine ZMZ-4062 – 4 cylinder, 16 valve, with the order of the cylinders 1-3-4-2, equipped with a microprocessor control system. The studies found that the greater the pressure difference is established in the fuel system, the higher the engine speed is supported for one nozzle. It was established that the lower the electrical gasoline feed pump, the lower limits of variation of the engine speed. The analysis of the characteristics of the automotive electromagnetic injectors and fuel pumps was performed. The study confirms the need to develop new methods and means for their diagnosis with rapid and high reliability without disassembling fuel system components apart. Experimental studies to assess the capacity of the nozzles and the degree of wear of the electric fuel pump were provided.

Keywords: diagnostics, electric fuel pump, solenoid injectors, the fuel system of a vehicle, the method, parameters, technical condition.


 A. V. Gricenko, K. V. Glemba, O. N. Larin, D. D. Bakaykin, S. S. Kukov
Сhelyabinsk State Academy of Agroengineering; South Ural State University (NRU), Сhelyabinsk, Russia. E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.



1. Glemba K.V., Gritsenko A.V., Kukov S.S., Bakay-kin D.D. Puti povysheniya i metod diagnostirovaniya ekolo-gicheskikh kharakteristik i ekspluatatsionnoy nadezhnosti avtomobil'nykh dvigateley s primeneniem antifriktsionnykh nanomaterialov [Ways to Improve the Diagnosis and Method of Environmental Performance and Operational Reliability of Automotive Engines Using Anti-friction Nanomaterials]. Perm: PNIPU Publ., 2013, vol. 2, pp. 104-119.
2. Gritsenko A.V., Gritsenko A.V., Glemba K.V., La-rin O.N. Diagnostika sistemy vpuska avtomobiley metodami testovogo diagnostirovaniya [Diagnosis of the Intake System of Vehicles Using the Methods of Diagnosis Tests]. Moscow: Transport: nauka, tekhnika, upravlenie Publ., 2014, no. 7, pp. 25-28.
3. Plaksin A.M., Gritsenko A.V., Grakov F.N., Glemba K.V., Lukomskiy K.I. Diagnostirovanie sistemy vpuska avto-mobil'nykh dvigateley vnutrennego sgoraniya metodami testo-vogo diagnostirovaniya [Diagnosing the Intake System of a Vehicle, Using the Methods of Diagnosis Tests]. Moscow: Fun-damental'nye issledovaniya Publ., 2014, no. 8-5, pp. 1053-1057.
4. Plaksin A.M., Gritsenko A.V., Bisenov S.E., Glem-ba K.V., Lukomskiy K.I. Diagnostirovanie sistemy vypuska dvigateley vnutrennego sgoraniya putem kontrolya soprotiv-leniya vypusknogo trakta [Diagnosing Exhaust Systems of Internal Combustion Engines by Monitoring the Resistance of the Exhaust]. Moscow: Fundamental'nye issledovaniya, 2014 Publ., no. 8-2, pp. 322-326.
5. Gritsenko A.V. Razrabotka sredstv i metodov diag-nostirovaniya s chastichno parallel'nym rezervirovaniem elementov, a takzhe s ustraneniem lishnikh diagnosticheskikh operatsii i diagnosticheskikh parametrov [Develop Tools and Methods of Diagnosing Partially Parallel Redundant Elements, as Well as the Elimination of Unnecessary Diagnostic Operations and Diagnostic Parameters]. Krasnoyarsk: Kras-GAU, Vestnik KrasGAU Publ., 2012, no. 7, pp. 120-125.
6. Gritsenko A.V., Kukov S.S. Diagnostirovanie sistem dvigatelya na testovykh staticheskikh rezhimakh [Diagnosing Engine Systems on Static Test Modes]. Chelyabinsk: CSAA, Vestnik ChGAA Publ., 2012, vol. 61, pp. 31-38.
7. Gritsenko A.V., Bakaykin D.D., Kukov S.S. Sposob diagnostirovaniya sistemy toplivopodachi dvigatelya [A Method of Diagnosing the Engine Fuel System]. Patent RF, no. 2418190 F 02 RU M 65/00, 2011.
8. Gritsenko A.V., Kukov S.S., Tsyganov K.A., Gor-bunov A.V. Sposob diagnostirovaniya elektrobenzonasosov sistemy toplivopodachi avtomobilya [A Method of Diagnosing a Vehicle Fuel System Pumps]. Patent RF, no. 2477384 F 02 RU M 65/0, 2013.
9. Gritsenko A.V., Bakaykin D.D., Kukov S.S. Sposob diagnostirovaniya sistemy toplivopodachi dvigateley vnu-trennego sgoraniya legkovykh avtomobiley [A Method of Diagnosing the Fuel Supply System of Internal Combustion Engines of Cars]. Chelyabinsk: CSAA, Vestnik ChGAA Publ., 2011, vol. 59, pp. 30-32.
10. Gritsenko A.V., Kukov S.S., Bakaykin D.D. Teore-ticheskoe issledovanie raboty elektromagnitnoy forsunki i ee vliyanie na protsess toplivopodachi [Theoretical Study of the Electromagnetic Injector and its Influence on the Fuel System]. Moscow: MGAU im. Goryachkina V.P., Vestnik MGAU Publ., 2012, no. 3(54), pp. 40-42.
11. Gritsenko A.V., Bakaykin D.D. Rezul'taty eksperimen-tal'nykh issledovaniy propusknoy sposobnosti elektromagnit-nykh forsunok [The Results of Experimental Studies of the Performance of Electromagnetic Injectors]. Krasnoyarsk: KrasGAU, Vestnik KrasGAU Publ., 2012, no. 12, pp. 120-127.



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