2014, 01 January
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07.01.14 10:22

DOI: 10.14489/td.2014.01.pp.033-039


Saulina E.V., Esipov Yu.V. 
(pp. 33–39)

Annotation. With the help of test periodic welded frame dummies, on which have been pasted super-broad-band (from 10–2 up to 108 Hz) ferroelectric micro-sensing transducers on the basis of thin films Pb (Zr 0,53 Ti 0,47) О3 thickness (~2,0) micron with bonding pad 0,8 mm2, have been developed and approved a way of shock testing and identification is intense – strained conditions of steel designs. The method algorithm is included: 1) the serial shock-excitation with build-up of an force impact impulse; 2) registration of dynamic deformation responses with the help of the sensing transducers pasted on dummy; 3) the Fourier analysis of responses and construction of series of nonlinear and linear areas of deformation images; 4) extraction of diagnostic attributes and informative parameters for discrimination of extent of stress level and (or) damage of integral design

Keywords: сomplex designs, parameters of stress level, deformation vibrations, the Fourier an image, nonlinear dynamic, magnetic method, ferroelectric sensing transducers, Structural Health Monitoring

About the Authors


E. V. Saulina 
Donskoy state technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.

Yu. V. Esipov 
Southern scientific center of RAS, Rostov-on-Don, Russia




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