Журнал Российского общества по неразрушающему контролю и технической диагностике
The journal of the Russian society for non-destructive testing and technical diagnostic
| Русский Русский | English English |
07 | 03 | 2025
2018, 08 August

DOI: 10.14489/td.2018.08.pp.014-020


Bataev V. A., Stepanova L. N., Laperdina N. A., Chernova V. V.
(pp. 14-20)

Abstract. The method of acoustic emission (AE) control of the early stage of defects development under static loading of samples from carbon fiber T700 is developed. The finite element method was used to calculate the bearing capacity of carbon fiber samples and to apply an approach based on the use of the progressive damage model. The modal composition of AE signals is proposed to estimate the value of the structural coefficient determined using the wavelet transform. It is established that, if as the load increases there is a reduction of the structural coefficient, it is equivalent to the destruction of the matrix, and its increase was the destruction of the fibers. These provisions were confirmed by fractography, which showed that at a load of 18 kN, the dominant mechanism was the destruction of the matrix and its staining. On the thin sections made from samples where there are active location of AE signals, with a load of 32 kN was revealed not only the destruction of the matrix, but the torn fibers, bundles of fibers of the surface voids filled with a polishing suspension. THE fractography confirmed the results of the calculations of the loads which occur fracture of CFRP at early stages of development defects.

Keywords: carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP), acoustic emission, defect, mode, matrix, fiber, delamination.


V. A. Bataev (Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.
L. N. Stepanova, N. A. Laperdina (Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Siberian Aeronautical Research Institute named after S. A. Chaplygin”, Novosibirsk, Russia) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра. , Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.
V. V. Chernova (Siberian Transport University, Novosibirsk, Russia) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.



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