Журнал Российского общества по неразрушающему контролю и технической диагностике
The journal of the Russian society for non-destructive testing and technical diagnostic
| Русский Русский | English English |
07 | 03 | 2025
2019, 01 January

DOI: 10.14489/td.2019.01.pp.022-031


Badalyan V. G.
(pp. 22-31)

Abstract. Risk-based method in diagnostics is aimed at the safe operation of high-risk facilities. Risk assessment at the accident is performed on the base of calculations using methods of fracture mechanics and the probabilistic approach to the occurrence of adverse events. Data of the current technical condition of the facility are required to specify the risk assessment of accidents. These data could be obtained by ultrasonic testing using methods and means of ultrasonic flaw detection: synthetic aperture methods and phased antenna arrays. Ultrasonic defect characterization for specification of the risk estimation due to the quantitative estimation of the defects parameters on objects of nuclear energy are considered in this article: •errors in measuring of height and length of planar discontinuities (natural and artificial) using ultrasonic defect characterization instruments; •examples of measuring the developing crack profile and its growth over several yearsare given; •possibility of assessing the allocation of defects by their type, localization in the monitoring object; •results of allocation of defects by their height and length in welded joints 120075 of NPP equipment; •experimental curves of the probability of detection of longitudinal discontinuities in the austenitic welded jointsin the pipeline 32515, obtained using a AUGUR series system with coherent data processing; •results of modeling the POD-curve for transverse defects with experimental measurements in the test sample with models of planar defects are compared. This results allow to estimate the reliability of the calculated POD-curve (a).

Keywords: ultrasonic defect characterization, risk analysis, POD-curve, defect size measurement, measurement error.


V. G. Badalyan (Co Ltd “Scientific Production Center of Nondestructive Ultrasonic Testing “ECHO+”, Moscow, Russia) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.  



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