2021, 11 ноябрь (November) |
DOI: 10.14489/td.2021.11.pp.032-039 Старков И. Н., Рожков К. А., Байдукова Л. А., Ольшанская Т. В. Аннотация. Рассмотрены методы испытаний алюминиевого покрытия, нанесенного газодинамическим напылением, такие как: определение адгезии, когезионной прочности и усилия среза; определение надежности работы покрытия в условиях сжимающих и растягивающих нагрузок, твердости покрытия; испытания методом нагрева и металлографический анализ. Из существующих методик выбраны самые оптимальные для определения надежности работы восстановленных деталей напылением, также разработаны новые методы определения усилия отрыва покрытия от подложки, определение когезионной прочности, испытания на изгиб (внутрь и наружу покрытием). Разработанный комплекс контроля в достаточной мере позволяет оценить надежность сцепления покрытия деталей, испытывающих как механические нагрузки, так и термические. Ключевые слова: газодинамическое напыление, адгезия, когезия, изгиб, срез, металлография, твердость.
Starkov I. N., Rozhkov K. A., Baidukova L. A., Olshanskaya T. V. Abstract. This article discusses methods for testing an aluminum coating applied by gasdynamic spraying, such as: determination of adhesion, cohesive strength and shear force; determination of the reliability of the coating under conditions, compressive and tensile loads, coating hardness, heating tests and metallographic analysis. Of the existing methods, the most optimal ones have been selected to determine the reliability of the operation of restored parts by spraying, as well as new methods have been developed for determining the force of separation of the coating from the substrate, determining the cohesive strength, bending tests (inward and outward by the coating). The developed control complex makes it possible to sufficiently assess the reliability of the adhesion of the coating of the parts undergoing both mechanical and thermal loads. Currently, there are many standards for determining the properties of coatings (for example, GOST 9.302-88, MIL-STD-3021 – US standard) According to these standards, there is no completeness of the tests carried out. To develop a complete complex of coating control, the article considered methods of testing an aluminum coating applied by gasdynamic spraying, such as: determination of adhesion, cohesive strength and shear force; determination of the reliability of the coating under conditions, compressive and tensile loads, coating hardness, heating tests and metallographic analysis. Of the existing methods (determination of adhesion by the adhesive method, measurement of hardness, temperature tests, metallographic analysis), the most optimal ones were selected to determine the reliability of the operation of restored parts by spraying, new methods were also developed for determining the force of separation of the coating from the substrate, determining the cohesive strength, bending tests (inside and outside coated). The developed control complex made it possible to assess the reliability of the adhesion of the coating of the parts undergoing both mechanical and thermal loads. Keywords: gasdynamic spraying, adhesion, cohesion, bending, shear, metallography, hardness.
РусИ. Н. Старков, К. А. Рожков, Л. А. Байдукова (АО «Пермский завод «Машиностроитель», Пермь, Россия) E-mail:
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EngI. N. Starkov, K. A. Rozhkov, L. A. Baidukova (JSC “Perm Plant Mashinostroitel”, Perm, Russia) E-mail:
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Рус1. Алхимов А. П., Клинков С. В., Косарев В. Ф., Фомин В. М. Холодное газодинамическое напыление. Теория и практика. Пермь, 2014. 157 с. Eng1. Alhimov A. P., Klinkov S. V., Kosarev V. F., Fomin V. M. (2014). Cold gasdynamic spraying. Theory and practice. Perm'. [in Russian language]
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