Журнал Российского общества по неразрушающему контролю и технической диагностике
The journal of the Russian society for non-destructive testing and technical diagnostic
| Русский Русский | English English |
07 | 03 | 2025
2022, 02 февраль (February)

DOI: 10.14489/td.2022.02.pp.050-055

Эминов Р. А., Асадов Х. Г., Гаджиев А. А.
(с. 50-55)

Аннотация. Рассмотрены вопросы разработки методики картирования дна неглубоких водоемов методом лазерной батиметрии. Сформулирована и решена задача разработки способа картирования рельефа дна неглубоководных водоемов. В качестве излучателя используется лазер, установленный на борту летательного аппарата. На основе геометрического представления хода оптических лучей в лазерной батиметрии и анализа известных результатов измерений предложена ступенчатая модель дна водоема, высота и ширина ступенек которой изменяются в широких пределах. На основе известного метода картирования дна неглубоководного водоема с одной точки предложен способ двухточечного измерения с применением ступенчатой модели дна. Проведенные модельные исследования показали, что погрешность измерения предложенного способа находится в пределах ±4,5 %.

Ключевые слова:  батиметрия, лазер, картирование, погрешность, летательный аппарат.


Eminov R. A., Asadov H. G., Gadzhiev A. A.
(pp. 50-55)

Abstract. The article is devoted to the development of methods for mapping the bottom of shallow reservoirs by laser bathymetry. It is noted that the main factors influencing the depth of laser bathymetric studies are the correct choice of the emitter wavelength, turbidity of sea water, especially in coastal zones and undulation of the sea surface. The problem of developing a method for mapping the bottom relief of shallow-water reservoirs is formulated and solved. A laser installed on board the aircraft is used as an emitter. It is noted that one of the main problems in laser bathymetry is the issue of modeling the seabed. While the surface of various reservoirs is currently modeled by various continuous functions, such as Hermite polynomials, B-splines, etc., modeling of reflection from the bottom of a reservoir is mainly limited to a diffuse model, i.e. The bottom is considered as a Lambert reflector Based on the geometric representation of the course of optical rays in laser bathymetry and the analysis of known measurement results, a step model of the bottom of the reservoir is proposed, the height and width of the steps of which vary widely. Based on the wellknown method of mapping the bottom of a shallow reservoir from one point, as well as the proposed step model of the bottom of the reservoir, a method for mapping the relief of the bottom irregularity has been developed, according to which measurements are carried out at two spatial points, with respect to which the difference in the depth of the reservoir should be determined. At the same time, measurements are carried out using a laser beam of constant power and at constant nadir angles, model studies have shown that the measurement error of the proposed method is within ±4.5%.

Keywords: bathymetry, laser, mapping, error, aircraft.


Р. А. Эминов (Азербайджанский государственный университет нефти и промышленности, Баку, Азербайджанская Республика) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.
Х. Г. Асадов (НИИ Аэрокосмической информатики, Баку, Азербайджанская Республика) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.
А. А. Гаджиев (Институт водных проблем, Баку, Азербайджанская Республика) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.



R. A. Eminov (Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.
H. G. Asadov (Research Institute of Aerospace Informatics, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.
A. A. Gadzhiev (Institute of Water Problems, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.



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4. Zhao J., Zhao X., Zhang H., Zhou F. Shallow Water Measurements Using a Single Green Laser Corrected by Building a Near Water Surface Penetration Model // Remote Sensing. 2017. V. 9, No. 5. P. 426.
5. Zhang Z., Zhang J., Ma Y. et al. Retrieval of Nearshore Bathymetry Around Ganquan Island From LIDAR Waveform and Quickbird Image // Applied Science. 2019. V. 9, No. 20. P. 4375. DOI 10.3390/app9204375.
6. Gao J. Bathymetric Mapping by Means of Remote Sensing: Methods, Accuracy and Limitations // Progress in Physical Geography. 2009. V. 33, No. 1. P. 103 – 116.
7. Kasvi E., Salmela J., Lotsari E. et al. Comparison of Remote Sensing Based Approaches for Mapping Bathymetry of Shallow, Clear Water Rivers // Geomorphology. 2019. V. 333. P. 180 – 197. URL: www.elsevier.com/locate/geomorph
8. Richter K., Mader D., Westfeld P., Maas H.-G. Refined geometric modeling of laser pulse propagation in airborne LIDAR bathymetry // PFG. 2021. V. 89. P. 121 – 137. URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41064-021-00146-z
9. Allouis T., Bailly J. S., Feurer D. Assessing Water Surface Effects on LIDAR Bathymetric Measurements in Very Shallow Rivers: a Theoretical Study. URL: https://earth.esa.int/hydrospace07/participants/07_14/07_14_Allouis.pdf
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1. Zhao J., Zhao X., Zhang H., Zhou F. (2017). Shallow Water Measurements Using a Single Green Laser Corrected by Building a Near Water Surface Penetration Model. Remote Sensing, Vol. 9. DOI: 10.3390/rs9050426.
2. Doneus M., Miholjek I., Mandburger G. et al. (2015). Airborne Laser Bathymetry for Documentation of Submerged Archaeological Sites in Shallow Water. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XL05/W5. Underwater 3D Recording and Modeling. Italy. Piano di Sorrento.
3. Mandlburger G., Pfennigbauer M., Pfeifer N. (2013). Analyzing Near Water Surface Penetration in Laser Bathymetry – a Case Study at the River Pielach. Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. II-5/W2. ISPRS Workshop Laser Scanning. Antalya.
4. Zhao J., Zhao X., Zhang H., Zhou F. (2017). Shallow Water Measurements Using a Single Green Laser Corrected by Building a Near Water Surface Penetration Model. Remote Sensing, Vol. 9, (5).
5. Zhang Z., Zhang J., Ma Y. et al. (2019). Retrieval of Nearshore Bathymetry Around Ganquan Island From LIDAR Waveform and Quickbird Image. Applied Science, Vol. 9, 20. DOI: 10.3390/app9204375.
6. Gao J. (2009). Bathymetric Mapping by Means of Remote Sensing: Methods, Accuracy and Limitations. Progress in Physical Geography, Vol. 33, (1), pp. 103 – 116.
7. Kasvi E., Salmela J., Lotsari E. et al. (2019). Comparison of Remote Sensing Based Approaches for Mapping Bathymetry of Shallow, Clear Water Rivers. Geomorphology, Vol. 333, pp. 180 – 197. Available at: www.elsevier.com/ locate/geomorph
8. Richter K., Mader D., Westfeld P., Maas H.-G. (2021). Refined geometric modeling of laser pulse propagation in airborne LIDAR bathymetry. PFG, Vol. 89, pp. 121 – 137. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41064-021-00146-z
9. Allouis T., Bailly J. S., Feurer D. Assessing Water Surface Effects on LIDAR Bathymetric Measurements in Very Shallow Rivers: a Theoretical Study. Available at: https://earth.esa.int/hydrospace07/participants/07_14/07_14_Allouis.pdf
10. Wang C. K., Philpot W. D. (2007). Using Airborne Bathymetric Lidar to Detect Bottom Type Variation in Shallow Waters. Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 106, pp. 123 – 135.


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