Журнал Российского общества по неразрушающему контролю и технической диагностике
The journal of the Russian society for non-destructive testing and technical diagnostic
| Русский Русский | English English |
07 | 03 | 2025
2014, 06 июнь (June)

DOI: 10.14489/td.2014.06.pp.055-060

Бекирова Л.Р.
(с. 55-60)

Аннотация. Предложены классифицированные диаграммы колориметрических систем на базе классификационных признаков мульти-спектральных объектов и колориметрических систем. Получены математические выражения для оценки количества информации на выходе RGB и гиперспектральных колориметров. Получено математическое выражение предпочтительности выбора RGB- колориметрической системы в противовес гиперспектральным системам.

Ключевые слова: колориметрическая система, гиперспектрометр, информационная оценка, энтропия, дистанционное зондирование.


Bekirova L.R.
(pp. 55-60)

Abstract. The classification diagrams of colorimetric systems on the basis of multispectral objects and colorimetric systems classification signs are suggested. It is well known that the main advantage of hyperspectral colorimetric system is a high amount of spectral bands, which in its turn leads to low signal/noise ratio at the output of spectral channels. This property of hyperspectral colorimeters causes the low informative content in some cases. In the paper the comparison of RGB and hyperspectral colorimeters is carried out. The mathematical formulas for estimation of amount of information at the output of RGB and hyperspectral colorimeters are derived. The mathematical condition for preva-lence of choosing RGB colorimetric systems versus hyperspectral one is formulated.

Keywords: colorimetric system, hyperspectrometer, information estimate, entropy, remote sensing.


Л. Р. Бекирова (Азербайджанская государственная нефтяная академия, Баку) E-mail: asadzade@rambler 


L. R. Bekirova (Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, Baku) E-mail: asadzade@rambler 


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1. Kaeakami R., Wright J., Tai Y.-W. et al. (2011). High-resolution Huperspectral Imaging via Matrix Factorization. Com-puter Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). Conference on 20 – 25 June 2011. IEEE 2011, pp. 2329 – 2336. (Conference Publica-tions, Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan).
2. Wang B., Wang X., Chen Z. (2012). Spatial entropy based mutual information in hyperspectral band selection for supervised. International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 9(2), pp. 181-192.
3. Moan S. L., Mansouri A., Hardeberg J. Y., Voisin Y. (2012). Saliency in Spectral Images. Dimensionality Reduction and Saliency for Spectral Image Visualization. École doctorale SPIM. Université de Bourgogne/UFR ST BP 47870 F – 21078. Dijon, pp. 79 – 100.
4. Collin A., Planes S. (2012). Enhancing coral health detec-tion using spectral diversity indices from world View-2 imagery and machine learners. Remote Sen., (4), pp. 3244-3264. doi:10.3390/rs4103244.
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6. Wang H., Angelopoulou E. (2006). Sensor Band Selection for Multispectral Imaging via Average Normalized Information. Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Spectral Imaging, in conjunction with ECCV, pp. 114 – 123.
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