2015, 08 август (August) | ||
DOI: 10.14489/td.2015.08.pp.053-057 Ишков А. С., Зуев В. Д. Аннотация. Приведены основные требования, предъявляемые к датчикам угла на основе проволочных потенциометров. Рассмотрены ви-ды и механизм влияния дефектов потенциометров, приводящих к их отказам. Предложена методика повышения качества потен-циометров на основе совокупности разбраковочных операций с учетом влияния температуры, электрической нагрузки, дефектов комплектующих материалов, неточностей технологического процесса на характеристики изделий. Проведены эксперименталь-ные исследования, подтверждающие предложенную методику. Ключевые слова: потенциометр, методика разбраковки, испытания, температура, дефект, отказ.
Ishkov A.S., Zuev V.D. Abstract. The basic requirements for an angle sensor are based on wire potentiometers. Angle sensors perform the function of mechanical dis-placement transducer into a proportional electrical signal and are included in the circuit as voltage dividers. Consideringthe types and mechanism of influence of defects potentiometers leadsto itsfailure. The main factors leading to the failure of the potentiometers are ambient temperature and electrical load. About 45 % of failures are caused by a violation of the potentiometers wire winding pitch of the resistive element to the frame wire, heterogeneity and sinks in the body by pouring potentiometer resistance element leads to a 25 % failure rate. Microcrackof resistance wire, foreign matter in contact and structural materials cause about 30 % of failures. The proposed method improves the quality of potentiometers on the basis of control of operations taking into account the influence of temperature, electrical load, defects of component parts, inaccuracies of the technological process on the characteristics of the products. The main operations are: grading of the resistive element of nominal resistance error; technological run of the contact assembly potentiometer; burn-finished product in a heating cabinet; exposure of products in the chamber at high and low temperatures above zero; grading of the finished product by the given parameters. Experimental study of confirming the proposed methodology isconducted. The technique provides a timely identification of hidden internal flaws, leading to failures of precision wire potentiometers. Keywords: potentiometer, technique of rejection, tests, temperature, defect, failure.
РусА. С. Ишков (Пензенский государственный университет) E-mail:
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EngA. S. Ishkov (Penza State University) E-mail:
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Рус1. Четвертков И. И., Коросько Н. М. Потенциомет-ры. М.: Сов. радио, 1978. Eng1. Chetvertkov I. I., Koros'ko N. M. (1978). Potenti-ometers. Moscow: Sovetskoe Radio.
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