Журнал Российского общества по неразрушающему контролю и технической диагностике
The journal of the Russian society for non-destructive testing and technical diagnostic
| Русский Русский | English English |
Главная Current Issue
07 | 03 | 2025
2025, 01 January

DOI: 10.14489/td.2025.01.pp.056-061

Vasilyev G. S., Surzhik D. I., Kuzichkin O. R., Baknin M. D., Kovalenko A. O.
pp. (56-61)

Abstract. The article discusses issues related to the development, research and testing of a new method of mathematical modeling and field testing of geoecological monitoring systems based on geoelectric methods of geodynamic control. The method being developed involves creating the effect of the presence of near-surface and deep-seated inhomogeneities using additional point or extended sources (electrodes of various shapes, cable sections of various lengths and shapes, etc.). The problem with the known methods of physical (full-scale) modeling of geoelectric sections is the rigid specification of the geometric and electrical parameters of the created volumetric and planar media models. A feature of the proposed method is the ability to flexibly change the inhomogeneity field by simply moving additional sources, which is unattainable in known full-scale modeling methods. The mathematical modeling carried out confirmed the high accuracy of approximation of real geoelectric fields by model sources. The testing of the method for calibrating geoelectrical geodynamic control systems confirmed its effectiveness in full-scale testing of multipole electrolocation installations in conditions of complex buildings and exposure to industrial and climatic interference.

Keywords: geoecological monitoring, geoelectrics, geodynamic control, heterogeneity, similarity criterion, approximation.

G. S. Vasilyev, D. I. Surzhik (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolai Grigoryevich Stoletov" (VlSU), Vladimir, Russia) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра. , Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.
O. R. Kuzichkin (Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.
M. D. Baknin, A. O. Kovalenko (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolai Grigoryevich Stoletov" (VlSU), Vladimir, Russia) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра. , Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.

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