2016, 07 июль (July) | ||
DOI: 10.14489/td.2016.07.pp.057-060 Кузнецова В. А., Муравьев В. В. Аннотация. Разработан метод ускоренных испытаний танталовых чип-конденсаторов на сохраняемость с помощью воздействия повышенной температуры среды без приложения электрической нагрузки. Результаты ускоренных испытаний соответствуют реальным изменениям параметров конденсаторов в условиях отапливаемого хранилища. Ключевые слова: танталовые оксидно-полупроводниковые чип-конденсаторы, сохраняемость, тепловые испытания.
Kuznetsova V.A., Murav'ev V.V. Abstract. The article deals with the developed method of accelerated testing the tantalum chip capacitors on the persistence through the effects of increased ambient temperature without application of electrical loads. The results of accelerated tests correspond to real changes in the parameters of capacitors in the conditions of heated storage. The developed methodology is based on accelerated testing the capacitors. It is designed to confirm the persistence requirements laid down in regulatory documents. Accelerated tests for persistence in conditions of heated storage simulate annual cycles by thermal ageing. The capacitors placed in the heat chamber with the set temperature, the maximum allowable for capacitors aged over time, is the year of aging in heated storage. Accelerated testing the capacitors for persistence is performed in climatic chambers providing controlled temperature and humidity, and simulate the storage capacitors in a heated storage. The main parameters (the criteria of validity capacitors – capacitance, tangent of loss angle, leakage current) are measured before testing. The control of capacitance change tangent of the loss angle, leakage current are measured after testing. During the accelerated tests, the aging tantalum oxide layer on the anode of the capacitor was studied by thermal influence on the capacitor without applying voltage to it. The simulated result of aging tantalum capacitors demonstrated a change in its electrical parameters. Keywords: tantalum solid-electrolyte chip-capacitors, persistence, method, high temperature environment.
РусВ. А. Кузнецова (ОАО «Элеконд», Сарапул, Россия) E-mail:
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EngV. A. Kuznetsova (Open Joint-Stock Company “Elecond”, Sarapul, Russia) E-mail:
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Рус1. Кузнецова В. А., Кузнецов П. Л., Муравьев В. В. Исследование надежности танталовых оксидно-полупроводниковых чип-конденсаторов на основе экспериментальных данных // Вестник Ижевского государственного технического университета. 2013. № 3. С. 88 – 91. Eng1. Kuznetsova V. A., Kuznetsov P. L., Murav'ev V. V. (2013). Study of reliability of tantalum oxide semiconductor chip capacitors based on experimental data. Vestnik Izhevskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta, (3), pp. 88-91. [in Russian language]
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