Журнал Российского общества по неразрушающему контролю и технической диагностике
The journal of the Russian society for non-destructive testing and technical diagnostic
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2016, 08 август (August)

DOI: 10.14489/td.2016.08.pp.022-029

Костюков В.Н., Науменко А.П., Бойченко С.Н., Кудрявцева И.С.
(c. 22-29)

Аннотация. Рассмотрены возможности применения статистических характеристик – числовых и функциональных – для оценки вибрационных процессов. Проведенные исследования показали, что использование площади под кривой модуля характеристической функции мгновенных значений виброакустических сигналов для различных узлов и механизмов в качестве диагностического признака и формирование вектора диагностических признаков на его основе позволило предложить принципиально новый диагностический параметр, который является инвариантным к конструкции машины и предельным значениям параметра. Применение данного параметра позволяет повысить достоверность результатов диагностики при одновременном упрощении алгоритмов диагностирования.

Ключевые слова:  виброакустический сигнал, вибрационные процессы, статистические характеристики, характеристическая функция, диагностический параметр.


Kostyukov V.N., Naumenko A.P., Boychenko S.N., Kudryavtseva I.S.
(pp. 22-29)

Abstract. Improvement of fault diagnosis reliability and depth is based on the application of fault criteria system, which is formed by combining the various parameters of diagnostic signals. Therefore, the extension of the scope of signal diagnostic parameters and fault symptoms is important for diagnosis. The paper discusses the possibility of applying probabilistic characteristics both numerical and functional to estimate the parameters of vibration processes that characterize the defects and faults of the various mechanisms. Studies of vibration parameters when changing the condition of rolling bearings within various units and mechanisms showed that the probability density of the instantaneous values of the vibroacoustic signal, and in particular, the acceleration also changes its parameters when the bearing condition changing. Similar results were obtained when analyzing the probabilistic characteristics of the instantaneous values of vibroacoustic signals received from different assamblies of reciprocating compressors. We found that the change in the condition of such reciprocating compressor parts as discharge and suction valve, details of piston-cylinder units, slidecrank and cranking mechanisms, the crankshaft bearings, the probability curves of the instantaneous values of the vibration signal significantly change. The latter fact is clearly visible when analyzing the parameters of the approximated distribution functions and probability density. For the first time in vibroacoustic diagnostics it was proposed to use such probabilistic characteristic of random processes as a characteristic function to analyze the properties of distribution function curve and probability curve. The studies have shown that the area under the curve of the modulus of the characteristic function of the instantaneous value of vibroacoustic signals of different components and mechanisms may be used as a diagnostic parameter. Formation of the diagnostic features vector based on the parameter has allowed to propose a new diagnostic feature of fault invariant to machine design and the limit values of vibroacoustic signal. Based on revealed regularity there have been developed a method and techniques of vibroacoustic diagnosis of various units of machines and mechanisms, as well as the vibroacoustic signal processing algorithm. Application of the developed diagnosis method and diagnostic characteristics based on the characteristic function of vibroacoustic signal allows to increase the depth and the reliability of diagnosis while simplifying diagnosis algorithms.

Keywords: vibroacoustic signal, vibration processes, statistical characteristics, characteristic function, diagnostic parameter.


В. Н. Костюков, А. П. Науменко, С. Н. Бойченко (ООО «Научно-производственный центр «Динамика», Омск, Россия) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.
И. С. Кудрявцева (Омский государственный технический университет, Омск, Россия)


V. N. Kostyukov, A. P. Naumenko, S. N. Boychenko (DYNAMICS Scientific & Production Center, Ltd., Omsk, Russia) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.
I. S. Kudryavtseva (Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia)



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9. Kostyukov V. N., Naumenko A. P. Regulatory and methodological support of piston compressors vibration analysis monitoring // COMADEM 2013 (Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management): Proceedings of the 26th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, June 11–12, 2013. Finland, Helsinki, 2013. 7 p.
10. Kostyukov V. N., Naumenko A. P. Rationing of piston machines vibration // 10th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies CM2013/MFPT2013. June 17 – 20, 2013: materials of a conference. Created by Coxmor Publishing Co., on behalf of the BINDT, UK, 2013. 9 p.
11. Kostyukov V. N., Naumenko A. P. The Piston Compressor: The Methodology of the Real-Time Condition Monitoring // Journal of Physics. Conference Ser. 2012. V. 364. Is. 1. P. 012130.


1. Kostyukov V. N., Naumenko A. P., Boichenko, S. N., Kudryavtceva I. S. (2015). Diagnostics of rolling bearings by the parameters of the characteristic function. 12th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies CM 2015/MFPT 2015. (pp. 246 – 249). Oxford: The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing.
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9. Kostyukov V. N., Naumenko A. P. (2013). Regulatory and methodological support of piston compressors vibration analysis monitoring. COMADEM 2013 (Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management): Proceedings of the 26th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, June 11–12, 2013. Finland, Helsinki.
10. Kostyukov V. N., Naumenko A. P. (2013). Rationing of piston machines vibration. 10th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies CM2013/MFPT2013. June 17 – 20, 2013: materials of a conference. Created by Coxmor Publishing Co., on behalf of the BINDT, UK.
11. Kostyukov V. N., Naumenko A. P. (2012). The Piston Compressor: The Methodology of the Real-Time Condition Monitoring. Journal of Physics. Conference Ser., 364(1), p. 012130.


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