Журнал Российского общества по неразрушающему контролю и технической диагностике
The journal of the Russian society for non-destructive testing and technical diagnostic
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Главная Архив номеров
11 | 02 | 2025
2017, 07 июль (July)

DOI: 10.14489/td.2017.07.pp.004-011

Елизаров С. В., Барат В. А., Бардаков В. В., Чернов Д. В., Терентьев Д. А.
(c. 4-11)

Аннотация. На глиноземном комбинате в цехах спекания и кальцинации методом акустической эмиссии обследовано 15 опорных блоков с различными сроками эксплуатации. Целью диагностики являлась разработка методики АЭ-контроля, позволяющей контролировать оборудование без дополнительного нагружения и вывода из эксплуатации. Исследованы возможности проведения непосредственно в рабочем режиме фильтрации акустических шумов, локации повреждений и идентификации типа повреждения. На основании информации об известных дефектах по АЭ-данным были идентифицированы такие дефекты, как усталостные трещины на галтельных переходах, износ поверхности вала при фрикционном контакте, трещины внутреннего кольца подшипника и бринеллирование, а также нарушение режима смазки.

Ключевые слова:  акустическая эмиссия, режим эксплуатации, роликовые опоры, вал, подшипник.


Elizarov S. V., Barat V. A., Bardakov V. V., Chernov D. V., Terentyev D. A.
(pp. 4-11)

Abstract. The possibility of AE testing of support rollers of the rotary kiln in operating mode was investigated in the alumina refinery in the sintering and calcining shops. Each support roller consists of a shaft, roller and bearing blocks. Each element is entitled to be tested. Research task was to assess the possible locations of damage, filtering of inplant noises, and identification of the damage type. By simulating AE signals it was discovered that the ratio of amplitudes at different AE sensors allows to determine the location of damage within the accuracy of the structural node. Linear location of AE sources is possible only within the shaft. It was revealed that the only significant source of the high amplitude impulsive noise in operating mode are scuffs and roughness on the roller surface or kiln tyre. Impulses corresponded to noise are recorded with the period which is equal to the rotation interval of the support roller, or the kiln, so such impulses can be easily filtered. Detected defects of shaft can be divided into 2 types. Defects of the first type correspond to fatigue cracks and are located as a rule in places with the highest concentration of stresses such as fillet transitions. The second type presumably corresponds to the shaft surface deterioration at friction contact. The amplitude distribution parameters of impulses that characterize this process correlate with the working lifespan of the support rollers. Bearing defects are more diverse. Such defects as inner bearing race cracks, brinelling, and violation of lubrication rate were identified in the AE data on the basis of information about known defects.

Keywords: acoustic emission, operating mode, shaft, roller, bearing block, rotary kiln.


С. В. Елизаров, В. А. Барат, В. В. Бардаков, Д. В. Чернов, Д. А.Терентьев (ООО «ИНТЕРЮНИС-ИТ», Москва, Россия) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.  


S. V. Elizarov, V. A. Barat, V. V. Bardakov, D. V. Chernov, D. A. Terentyev (INTERUNIS-IT LLC, Moscow, Russia) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.  


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7. Matyunin V. M., Barat V. A., Bardakov V. V., Marchenkov A. Yu. Assessment of Fracture Toughness of Hardening Coatings by Instrumented Indentation and Acoustic Emission Parameters // Proc. of 3rd Intern. Scientific Symposium “Sense. Enable. SPITSE.” 2016. National Research University “MPEI”, Moscow – Smolensk, Russia, 20 June – 1 July 2016. Moscow, 2016. P. 95–96.
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1. Al-Ghamd Abdullan M., Mba D. (2006). A comparative experimental study on the use Acoustic Emission and vibration analysis for bearing defect identification and estimation of defect size. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 8(4), pp. 1537-1571. doi: 10.1016/j.ymssp. 2004.10.013
2. He Yongyong, Zhang Xinming, Friswell Michael L. (2009). Defect diagnosis for rolling element bearing using acoustic emission. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 131(6). doi: 10.1115/1.4000480
3. Bruzelius K., Mba D. (2004). An initial investigation on the potential applicability of Acoustic Emission to rail track fault detection. NDT and E International, 37(7), pp. 507-516. doi: 10.1016/j.ndteint.2004.02.001
4. Baccar D., Schiffer S., Söffker D. (2014). Acoustic emission-based identification and classification of frictional wear of metallic surfaces. 7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring. (pp. 1178-1185).
5. Miettinen J., Pataniitty P. (1999). Acoustic emission in monitoring extremely slowly rotating rolling bearing. Proc. of COMADEM ´99. (pp. 289-297).
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7. Matyunin V. M., Barat V. A., Bardakov V. V., Marchenkov A. Yu. (2016). Assessment of fracture toughness of hardening coatings by instrumented indentation and acoustic emission parameters. Proc. of 3rd Intern. Scientific Symposium «Sense. Enable. SPITSE». National Research University «MPEI», Moscow – Smolensk, Russia, 20 June – 1 July 2016, pp. 95-96.
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