2019, 08 август (August) |
DOI: 10.14489/td.2019.08.pp.042-047 Прахова Т. Н. , Гавшина А. А., Любимцева О. Л., Юматова Э. Г. Аннотация. Рассмотрены организация контроля и диагностика качества производства стирол-акриловой дисперсии. Для диагностики выбрана модель многофакторного дисперсионного анализа. Обоснован выбор факторов, оказывающих влияние на показатели качества. Анализ проведен на основе достоверных данных. Предложенная диагностика апробирована на производстве. Ключевые слова: стиролакриловая дисперсия, математическая модель, многофакторный дисперсионный анализ, фактор, проверка статистической гипотезы, значимость фактора.
Prakhova T. N. , Gavshina A. A., Lyubimtseva O. L., Yumatova E. G. Abstract. The production of styrene-acrylic dispersion is a complex technological process, which requires constant monitoring. The organization of product quality control has become the main part of the production process and is aimed not only at identifying defects or defective finished products, but also at diagnosing the quality of products in the process of their production, which ensures the advantage of the product in the market and also contributes to its successful marketing. competitive conditions. In various publications, the topic of controlling the process of styrene-acrylic dispersion production has been repeatedly raised. In this paper, a method for organizing the control and diagnostics of the quality of production of a styrene-acrylic dispersion is proposed. For diagnostics, the model of multivariate dispersion analysis was chosen. Based on the visual analysis and the technical characteristics of the product, a rationale is given for the selection of factors that influence quality indicators. The analysis is based on reliable data. The proposed diagnosis has been tested in production. Keywords: styrene-acrylic dispersion, mathematical model, multivariate analysis of variance, factor, statistical hypothesis testing, factor significance.
РусТ. Н. Прахова (ФГБОУ ВО «Нижегородский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет», Н. Новгород, Россия)
EngT. N. Prakhova (FSBEI HE NNGASU, N. Novgorod, Russia)
Рус1. ГОСТ Р ИСО/ТО 10017–2005. Статистические методы. Руководство по применению в соответствии с ГОСТ Р ИСО 9001. М., 2005. Eng1. Statistical methods. Application guide in accordance with GOST R ISO 9001. (2005). Ru Standard No. GOST R ISO/TO 10017–2005. Moscow. [in Russian language]
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