Журнал Российского общества по неразрушающему контролю и технической диагностике
The journal of the Russian society for non-destructive testing and technical diagnostic
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Главная Архив номеров
23 | 02 | 2025
2015, 02 февраль (February)

DOI: 10.14489/td.2015.02.pp.038-043

Шелихов Г. С., Глазков Ю. А.
(c. 38-43)

Аннотация. Рассмотрена технология магнитопорошкового контроля при намагничивании деталей с помощью постоянных магнитов. Кратко описана конструкция дефектоскопа, в котором по завершении контроля напряженность магнитного поля, создаваемого магнитами, может снижаться от максимального значения практически до нуля. При контроле деталей электропитание не требуется. Процесс контроля электробезопасен. Дефектоскоп позволяет с большой вероятностью обнаруживать опасные дефекты материала проверяемых объектов, что способствует обеспечению промышленной и экологической безопасности.

Ключевые слова:  магнитопорошковый контроль, дефектоскоп, постоянный магнит, намагничивание, дефект, магнитное поле, напряженность поля, суспензия.


Shelihov G.S., Glazkov Yu.A.
(pp. 38-43)

Abstract. Defectoscopes on permanent magnets are used for testing of details and knots of various technical objects in conditions of production, repair and exploitation. In magnetization devices inside the defectoscopes magnets a magnetic field of the big intensity is created. Pole ex-tensions of magnetization devices are strongly adhere to objects oftesting. Due to this fact there are great difficulties in objects testing and for its realization physically strong specialists are required. Sometimes it is caused by the limited utilization defectoscopes on permanent magnets. In this connection there was a necessity of creation defectoscope which would not be drawn to object of testing at its removal from a controllable site. Example of such device is defectoscope MD-NTS. It has a possibility to establish between poles the maximum or zero significance of intensity of a magnetic field. The magnetizing device contains two blocks with permanent magnets which can rotate round a cross-cut axis. In case if longitudinal axises of magnets are located perpendicularly to the checked surface, in a material of object of testing the maximum magnetic field operates. There is a possibility of inspection of a site of the object disposed between poles. If the magnets are rotated by 90° so that their longitudinal axises will be parallel to a checked surface, the magnetic field inside an object material will disappear. Then the magnetizing device can be removed off from the object of testing and displaced from one place to another. It facilitates work, allows to increase labour productivity, reduces fatigue of specialists and raises reliability of testing. The basic technical parameters of defectoscope MD-NTC and composition of the magnetic suspension recommended for use are given. The working procedure for testing defectoscope and performance of control of technical objects is described. During the testing of details power supplies are not required. Process of inspection does not create sparks. Defectoscope allows to find out with a high probability dangerous defects of a material of checked objects and that promotes safeguarding of industrial and ecological safety.

Keywords: magnetic particle testing, defectoscope, permanent magnet, magnetization, defect, magnetic field, field strength, suspension.


Г. С. Шелихов (ЗАО «НИИИН МНПО «Спектр», Москва) 
Ю. А. Глазков (НИЦ ЭРАТ, Люберцы, Моск. обл.)
E-mail:   Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.



G. S. Shelihov (JSC «SPEKTRU-RII», Moscow)
Yu. A. Glazkov (Scientific Research Center ERAT, Liubertsy, Moscow Region)
E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.



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