Журнал Российского общества по неразрушающему контролю и технической диагностике
The journal of the Russian society for non-destructive testing and technical diagnostic
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Главная Архив номеров
23 | 02 | 2025
2015, 11 ноябрь (November)

DOI: 10.14489/td.2015.011.pp.049-056

Резников В. А., Махсидов В. В., Гуляев И. Н.
(с. 49-56)

Аннотация. Представлены результаты работ по определению деформации полимерного композиционного материала с помощью интегрированных волоконных брэгговских решеток (ВБР). Приводятся математические модели взаимосвязи регистрируемой физической величины и деформации оптоволокна с ВБР. Описываются методы температурной компенсации измерений с помощью ВБР, приводятся конструктивные схемы составных чувствительных элементов для определения осевых и поперечных деформаций и способы перехода от деформации оптоволокна к деформации материала.

Ключевые слова:  волоконная брэгговская решетка, деформация, термокомпенсация, полимерный композиционный материал, встроенный контроль.


Reznikov V.A., Makhsidov V.V., Gulyaev I.N.
(pp. 49-56)

Abstract. Of fibre optic sensors based on bragg grating (FBG) begin to be applied more often due to its advantages for measurement systems in various structures and in particular for purposes of structural health monitoring. Possibilities of using FBG in aviation structural elements are partly estimated. However, there is a number of questions about application in polymer matrix composite structures, which are necessary for structural health monitoring system. One of these questions is how to measure material and structure deformation with embedded FBG, because one of the key parameter of the material and construction damage state is a strain. In this review strain measurement of polymer matrix of composite materials such as carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) with embedded infibre bragg grating is presented. In particular a model for correlation of wavelength shift of the bragg peak including strain components and methods of thermocompensation are introduced. Furthermore, several architectures of FBG sensors for simultaneous measurement of strain components are estimated.



В. А. Резников, В. В. Махсидов, И. Н. Гуляев (ФГУП «Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт авиационных материалов», Москва) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.  


V. A. Reznikov, V. V. Makhsidov, I. N. Gulyaev (FSUE “All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Materials”, Moscow) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.  


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3. Takeda N. Fiber Optic Sensorbased SHM Technologies for Aerospace Applications in Japan // Proc. SPIE 6933 Smart Sensor Phenomena, Technology, Networks, and Systems. 2008. URL: http://dx.doi.org.
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15. Cavaleiro P. M., Araújo F. M., Ferreira L. A. et al. Simultaneous Measurement of Strain and Temperature Using Bragg Gratings Written in Germanosilicate and Boron-Codoped Germanosilicate Fibers // IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett. 1999. V. 11. N 12. P. 1635 – 1637.
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17. Triollet S., Robert L., Marin E., Ouerdane Y. Discriminated Measures of Strain and Temperature in Metallic Specimen with Embedded Superimposed Long and Short Fibre Bragg Gratings // Meas. Sci. and Tech. 2011. V. 22. N 1. doi:10.1088/0957-0233/22/1/015202.
18. Ilda Abe, Hypolito J. Kalinowski, Orlando Frazão et al. Superimposed Bragg Gratings in High-Birefringence Fibre Optics: Three-parameter Simultaneous Measurements // Meas. Sci. Technol. 2004. V. 15. P. 1453 – 1457.
19. Echevarría J., Quintela A., Jáuregui C., López-Higuera J. M. Uniform Fiber Bragg Grating First- and Second-Order Diffraction Wavelength Experimental Characterization for Strain-Temperature Discrimination // IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 2001. V. 13. N 7. P. 696 – 698.
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21. Luyckx G. Multi-axial Strain Monitoring of Fibre Reinforced Thermosetting Plastics Using Embedded Highly Birefringent Optical Fibre Bragg Sensors // PhD Dissertation Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Ghent University, 2009–2010.
22. Kehrli M., Tosin P., Luthy W., Weber H. P. Manufacture of Fibres with Multiple Claddings // Laser Phys. 2000. V. 10. P. 458 – 460.
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24. Mashinsky V. M., Neustruev V. B., Dvoyrin V. V. et al. Germania-glass-core Silica-glass-cladding Modified Chemicalvapor Deposition Optical Fibers: Optical Losses, Photorefractivity, and Raman Amplification // Optics Lett. 2004. V. 29. P. 2596 – 2598.
25. Triollet S., Robert L., Marin E., Ouerdane Y. Discriminated Measures of Strain and Temperature in Metallic Specimen with Embedded Superimposed Long and Short Fibre Bragg Gratings // Meas. Sci. and Tech. 2011. V. 22. N 1. doi:10.1088/0957-0233/22/1/015202.
26. Hao Chi, Xiao-Ming Tao, Dong-Xiao Yang. Simultaneous Measurement of Axial Strain, Temperature, and Transverse Load by a Superstructure Fiber Grating // Optics letters. 2001. V. 26. N 24. P. 1949 – 1951.
27. Luyckx G., Voet E., De Waele W., Degrieck J. Multi-axial Strain Transfer from Laminated CFRP Composites to Embedded Bragg Sensor: I. Parametric Study // Smart Mater. Struct. 2010. V. 19. 9 p.
28. Voet E., Luyckx G., De Waele W., Degrieck J. Multi-axial Strain Transfer from Laminated CFRP Composites to Embedded Bragg Sensor: II. Experimental Validation // Smart Mater. Struct. 2010. V. 19. 9 p.
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30. Tadamichi Mawatari, Drew Nelson. A Multiparameter Bragg Grating Fiber Optic Sensor and Triaxial Strain Measurement // Smart Mater. Struct. 2008. V. 17. 19 p.


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6. Lawrence C. M., Nelson D. V., Udd E., Bennett T. (1999). A fiber optic sensor for transverse strain measurement. Experimental Mechanics. 39(3), pp. 202-209. doi: 10.1007/BF02323553
7. Leduc D., Lecieux Y., Morvan P.-A., Lupi C. (2013). Architecture of optical fiber sensor for the simultaneous measurement of axial and radial strains. Smart Mater. Struct. 22, p. 9. doi: 10.1088/0964-1726/22/7/075002
8. Kollar L. P., Van Steenkiste R. J. (1998). Calculation of the stresses and strains in embedded fiber optic sensors. J. Compos. Mater. 32, pp. 1647-1679.
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11. Mulle M., Zitoune R., Collombet F. et al. (2007). Thermal expansion of carbonepoxy laminates measured with embedded FBGS-comparison with other experimental techniques and numerical simulation. Compos. A Appl. Sci. Manufact, (38), pp. 1414-1424. doi: 10.1016/j.compositesa. 2006.08.008
12. Xu M. G., Archambault J. L., Reekie L., Dakin J. P. (1994). Thermally-compensated bending gauge using surface mounted fiber gratings. Int. J. Optoelectron. 9, pp. 281-283.
13. Jin L., Zhang W. G., Zhang H. et al. (2006). An embedded FBG sensor for simultaneous measurement of stress and temperature. IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., (18), pp. 154- 156. doi: 10.1109/LPT.2005.860046
14. Yoon H. J., Costantini D. M., Limberger H. G. et al. (2006). In situ strain and temperature monitoring of adaptive composite materials. J. Intell. Mater. Syst. Struct. (17), pp. 1059-1067. doi: 10.1177/1045389x06064889
15. Cavaleiro P. M., Araújo F. M., Ferreira L. A. et al. (1999). Simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature using Bragg gratings written in germanosilicate and boroncodoped germanosilicate fibers. IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett. 11(12), pp. 1635-1637.
16. Wei-Chong Du, Xiao-Ming Tao, Hwa-Yaw Tam. (1999). Fiber Bragg grating cavity sensor for simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature. IEEE photonics technology letters. 11(1), pp. 105-107. doi: 10.1109/68.736409
17. Triollet S., Robert L., Marin E., Ouerdane Y. (2011). Discriminated measures of strain and temperature in metallic specimen with embedded superimposed long and short fibre Bragg gratings. Meas. Sci. and Tech. 22(1). doi:10.1088/0957-0233/22/1/015202. В. А. Резников, В. В. Махсидов, И. Н. Гуляев «Современное состояние методов определения деформации материала…»
18. Ilda Abe, Hypolito J. Kalinowski, Orlando Frazão et al. (2004). Superimposed Bragg gratings in highbirefringence fibre optics: three-parameter simultaneous measurements. Meas. Sci. Technol. 15, pp. 1453-1457. doi: 10.1088/0957-0233/15/8/003
19. Echevarría J., Quintela A., Jáuregui C., López-Higuera J. M. (2001). Uniform fiber Bragg grating first- and second-order diffraction wavelength experimental characterization for strain-temperature discrimination. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 13(7), pp. 696-698. doi: 10.1109/68.930418
20. Matrat J., Levin K., Jarlås R. (2001). Implementation of a Bragg grating strain rosette embedded in composites smart structures and materials. Sensory Phenomena and Measurement Instrumentation for Smart Structures and Materials, 4328, pp. 168-179.
21. Luyckx G. (2009-2010). Multi-axial strain monitoring of fibre reinforced thermosetting plastics using embedded highly birefringent optical fibre Bragg sensors. PhD Dissertation Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Ghent University.
22. Kehrli M., Tosin P., Luthy W., Weber H. P. (2000). Manufacture of fibres with multiple claddings. Laser Phys. 10, pp. 458-460.
23. Fleming J. W., Wood D. L. (1983). Refractive index dispersion and related properties in fluorine doped silica. Appl. Opt., 22, pp. 3102-3104. doi: 10.1364/AO.22.003102
24. Mashinsky V. M., Neustruev V. B., Dvoyrin V. V. et al. (2004). Germania-glass-core silica-glass-cladding mod-ified chemical-vapor deposition optical fibers: optical losses, photorefractivity, and Raman amplification. Optics Lett., 29, pp. 2596-2598. doi: 10.1364/OL.29.002596
25. Triollet S., Robert L., Marin E., Ouerdane Y. (2011). Discriminated measures of strain and temperature in metallic specimen with embedded superimposed long and short fibre Bragg gratings. Meas. Sci. and Tech. 22(1), doi:10.1088/0957-0233/22/1/015202.
26. Hao Chi, Xiao-Ming Tao, Dong-Xiao Yang. (2001). Simultaneous measurement of axial strain, temperature, and transverse load by a superstructure fiber grating. Optics letters. 26(24), pp. 1949-1951. doi: 10.1364/OL.26.001949
27. Luyckx G., Voet E., De Waele W., Degrieck J. (2010). Multi-axial strain transfer from laminated CFRP composites to embedded Bragg sensor: I. Parametric study. Smart Mater. Struct, 19. doi: 10.1088/0964-1726/19/10/105017
28. Voet E., Luyckx G., De Waele W., Degrieck J. (2010). Multi-axial strain transfer from laminated CFRP composites to embedded Bragg sensor: II. Experimental validation. Smart Mater. Struct, 19. doi: 10.1088/0964-1726/19/10/105018
29. Udd E., Schulz W.L., Seim J. M. (1999). Measurement of multidimensional strain fields using fiber grating sensors for structural monitoring. Part of the SPIE Conference on Fiber Qptic Sensor Technology and Applications. Boston. 3860, pp. 24-34. doi: 10.1117/12.372944
30. Tadamichi Mawatari, Drew Nelson. (2008). A multi-parameter Bragg grating fiber optic sensor and triaxial strain measurement. Smart Mater. Struct. 17. doi: 10.1088/0964-1726/17/3/035033


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